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冠興企業有限公司 | Guan Shing Enterprise Co.,Ltd.
公司電話 (07) 732-6033
公司傳真 (07) 732-6066
公司地址 83348高雄市烏松區聖埔里大同路25之75號
營業類別 遊戲機販售
冠興企業公司成立於民國六十七年,負責人蕭興仁董事長本人是抓物機技術專門人員起家,對於抓物機機台的結構設計和維護技術學有專精。民國七十四年隨著國內經濟起飛,國民生活水準的提昇,本公司因應國人對於休閒娛樂需求的提高,正式引進娛樂性抓物機,是國內第一家專研抓物機機台開發的公司。Guan-Shing Co., Ltd was establish on 1978 by Mr. Jason Shiao who is the president of this company. Mr. Jason is the first person here in Taiwan to research the crane machine not only in technologies but also from operating point of viewing to enhance the hardware and software. Guan-Shing crane machine is both for players to enjoy the happiness of griping prize and gains good profit for operators. More than 25 years researching and developing, Guan-Shing already become the number one crane machine manufacturing factory in Taiwan with over 20 more crane machine models to meet all kind of operator’s requirement. To serve our customers continually, it is most welcome to have custom-built model to meet your requested. Your successful is our business goal all the time.
電子信箱 gs123456@ms26.hinet.net
網站網址 http://www.guan-shing.com.tw
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