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佳威開發有限公司 | Tecway Development Co.,Ltd
協會頭銜 / 會員代表 顧問
公司電話 (02) 2255-2636
公司傳真 (02) 2255-6366
公司地址 板橋區雙十路2段130巷2弄25號1樓
營業類別 製造商 研發商 進/出口商
嘉年華彩票機、電子遊戲機台、遊戲機零件製造銷售Tecway Development is an FEC (Family Entertainment Center) game developer based in Taiwan. With complete product coverage and 'All-in-One' concepts, Tecway is capable to provide game, ticket, spare parts, and services for amusement fun centers. Throughout the years, Tecway holds philosophies of:] 1.Technology Inseparable from the nowadays world, Tecway was born in technology. Youth 2.Entertainment The industry is supposed to be FUN! We like to keep our customers entertained and so are our ideas. Creativity With such gift, we make new games happen ever quarter. Please share our excitement upon new game releases! 4.Wisdom Not only expertise and industry knowledge, but sensitivities, Tecway Development Team reacts to environment upon changes. 5.Alliance Tecway strongly believe harmony and cooperation brings synergy. Tecway’s and her worldwide alliance partners help bring the game industry more joy and fun. 6. Youth ‘Stay Young’ is what all Tecway employees believe. We all have a heart like a child-innocent, believing, and to listen to customers’ questions attentively.
電子信箱 info@tecway.com.tw
網站網址 http://www.tecway.com.tw/
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